Local groups are being invited to apply for grant support for projects and events to commemorate the centenary of the establishment of N. Ireland through Derry City and Strabane District Council’s Decade of Centenaries 2021/22 Fund. On May 3rd 2021 a century will have passed since the state became a separate legal entity under the Government of Ireland Act 1920, following the partition of Ireland. Any group with plans to mark the historic anniversary can now apply for funds of up to £2,000 from an overall £20,000 grant. The fund is part of Council’s wider Decade of Centenaries Programme, delivered as part of the Peace IV funded Creative Centenaries Project, which has supported a diverse array of events and activities marking historic anniversaries since 1916.
Applications must be submitted to Council by 12 March 2021 for any eligible activity planned up until the end of March 2022. The fund will be community focused aimed at enabling local groups to play their part by marking the events of 1921/22.
To download your application from click here. To view the scoring matrix click here.
To apply and for more info please visit the DCSDC Grant Aid webpage.
*Update 11th March 2021: To applicants – please note that there is nothing missing in the application from Q5 to Q12. It is an error on our part in the numbering.